Mason Mahaffey ([email protected])
PhD Student in Electrical Engineering
School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering (ECEE)
B.S. Georgia Institute of Technology, Honors Program – Electrical Engineering (2019)
Mason is a PhD student in the Holman Group (and close friend of the Rolston Group), where he focuses on improving and understanding solar cells using the quantified photoluminescence tool he co-developed. A jack-of-all-trades, you can find him making perovskite solar cells, acting as the resident coding expert, and using his tool on Si, CdTe, PVK, and III-V technologies. He’s been intent on working on renewables since high school and throughout his time at Georgia Tech, where he was a part of Georgia Tech Solar Racing. Outside of the lab, you can find him playing tennis, making baked goods, or on-stage as part of “The Callback” improv team.